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I have opened and old logitech usb gamepad and looked the circuit. I have looked at the circuit that when the button is pressed on the circuit, it give the signal to the computer. For each buttons i have linked 2 electric cables. The intention is to relate the circuit for the buttons, to the arcade buttons.

I have created some wood control box, have put holes into it for the buttons and the arcade joystick. Then i have related the gamepad circuit electric welded cables to the arcade components of my mame arcade control box.

I have then with my software and home printer made some design image for the control box, that i have previously printed on some glossy iced paper; so that the image look with a good finished touch. I just have put onto it, some plastic transparent wrap; to protect the image from the use of time onto.

Here we see the image of the cab, with the keyboard on a wooden plate; that can enter and get out of the arcade cabinet.

Again here you see the arcade cab, but from a different angle. You see the 2 blue speakers on the sides, at top of the screen. You also see the 2 white speakers that change color, just beside the trackball mouse.

Here the keyboard is entered into the cab. Just below there is the coin mecanism, that work related to the mame arcade games. Depending of the game, it can required some quarter coins to play or continue the game. It is also playable without the coins.


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