Thank's to Heliohost and Others for this website

The following link goes to a false traveling website.

The formation objectifs i had for this website, was to simulate a customer request.

In my formation i was asked to create some top banner, create some logo; and that the website is delivered before some date.

Brief as some real life customer could ask, but the demand was from Cybercap.

You will notice that the design is very old. It was with old tools, and my knowledges in time was small and limited; this beside the tools and knowledges i have today.

Link to Agence Voyage Fictive


The next link is a publicity for Cybercap made in 2002.

It was also a task givin to my self and other peoples.

The intention at this time in my formation, was to know how to do some team work.

Cybercap had givin to each team's some objectives to reach, like some customer would ask to webmasters.

There was also some time limit to deliver the publicity.

It is made with the software Flash, so you need the "Flash Player" to see it.

Link to this publicity


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